National Television Again!

This was so much fun to be a part of — you can see me tonight in my appearance on America: Fact vs. Fiction, sharing what I know about the fateful events when Alexander Hamilton met Aaron Burr at the dueling grounds at Weehauken.  Was Hamilton, as the song says, taking “deadly aim” at his opponent, or did he “throw away his shot?”

Although it didn’t appear in the show, it’s fascinating to know that Burr was charged with murder twice for Hamilton’s death — not only in New Jersey, where the shot was fired, but also in New York, where Hamilton died.  Ultimately, though, Burr evaded justice, hiding until the trouble blew over, only to emerge and later lead a plot to carve out a part of the frontier territory at the time as a separate empire… under his rule, naturally.  Burr is not one of favorite figures from the Revolutionary Era…

As with my prior appearance, you can use the AHC Channel Finder to find your local listings. As the AHC is not carried in all cable plans, I will keep you all apprised as the streaming video edition of the show becomes available.